Attn: Business Owners Who Want to Stop Hiring the Wrong People!

Unleash Your Business’s True Potential: How to Achieve Freedom and Peace of Mind by Selecting the Right Employees the First Time with this Secret Strategy

Discover the greatest predictor of future behavior . . .

The Secret Strategy to Select Top Talent and Elevate Your Business

From the Desk of: Terry Kozlowski

Dear Business Owner hiring employees,

According to a survey from Career Builder, 75% of employers said they have hired the wrong person! So, you’re not alone if you’ve had that painful experience.

When asked what that bad hire cost their business, the average was nearly $17,000.00!

Don’t waste your time and money on bad employees and high turnover rates – get expert help and hire the right person the first time around to save your business from a potential disaster.

"75% of employers said they have hired the wrong person... with average cost nearly $17,000.00." Source: Career Builder, Hiring Oracle logo at the bottom right.

Stop Hiring the Wrong People for Your Jobs – It’s Costing You Money!

You’re tired of settling for mediocre employees who don’t live up to your expectations. You’re working long hours, trying to keep your business running, and the last thing you need is to hire someone who’s going to cause more trouble than they’re worth.

But despite reading through countless resumes and conducting numerous interviews, you’re still struggling to identify the best person for each of your open jobs.

Unfortunately, the pool of available candidates is limited, and you may feel like you have to take whoever you can get.

This means you’re constantly dealing with entitled individuals who aren’t willing to put in the work. It’s frustrating, and it’s holding your business back.

The right people could take your business to the next level!

You’re dreaming of the day when you can take some time away from the business, knowing that it’s in the hands of reliable employees who truly care about its success.

But right now, you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how you can quickly and easily make that happen.

The truth is, you need a better way to evaluate your job candidates.

It’s a problem that’s been weighing on your mind, and you’re ready to find a solution. Because you know that when you find solutions to all your people situations, you could take your business to the next level. But that’s not where you are today.

To make things even worse . . .

3 Things Business Owners Think Are Enough to Find the Perfect Employee, But They’re Not . . .

The usual strategies for business owners who want to hire and then retain the right employees include:

1. Perform Background and Reference Checks:

Important to do, but references may skew the truth. Sometimes prior employers have been known to refuse to say anything for fear of litigation and may only confirm dates of employment and position(s) held.

You may also discover that they are more interested in unloading a problem employee from their organization rather than honestly sharing their experience or both the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.

2. Review Resumes Carefully:

Resumes may have errors. There may be significant omissions and intentional misstatements or errors may just arise from carelessness. The U.S. Department of Labor states that up to 90% of all resumes are faked.

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, how they express themselves about their background may not even be in their own words. So, if you’re using their cover letter and resume to determine their written communication effectiveness, you may also be misled.

3. Conduct Multiple Interviews:

It is important to get multiple points of view about the candidate. And it is also very easy to be misled by charm or what we wish to see. Not to mention that very few individuals have been trained on how to conduct an effective interview.

People are doing the best they can, but interviews will not always uncover what you really need to know before you can bring a new person into your business or they have direct contact with your valuable customers.

These Aren’t Enough!

In conclusion, while these usual strategies may seem effective on the surface, they are missing a critical strategy necessary for solving the persistent problem:

  • How do you select the right employees for your specific positions?
  • How do you reduce your aggravation once they’re on board?
  • How do you avoid high turnover rates and the associated costs?

There’s One Additional Strategy that Thousands Have Used Across North America for More than 45 Years . . .

In Addition to Businesses, Used in Major Sports . . .

This same strategy has also been used effectively in the world of sports. Every team in Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League, most teams in the National Football League and National Basketball Association, and Olympic teams in the USA, Canada and England have used an earlier version of this same assessment instrument when drafting their prospects and developing players.

These images do not constitute an endorsement of this website by these organizations.
Same Strategy Selected Winning Olympic Team

Contributed to the Miracle on Ice . . .

One of the biggest upsets in Olympic sports history was supported by this same instrument when the United States team was selected. This hockey team went on to beat the Soviet Union 4-3 at the Lake Placid Olympics on February 22, 1980 in what has been called, the Miracle on Ice.

What’s the Secret Ingredient?


But Personality Measured Objectively and Accurately . . . .

Is the Greatest Predictor of
Future Behavior!

A few top performers. . .

possess the secret sauce of traits and beliefs that drive the organization’s success, but these traits are not articulated and modeled . . . to inform hiring decisions.

Failure is directly attributed . . . human behavior . . .

When an employee fails in his or her career, that failure is directly attributed to some facet of human behavior in over 90 percent of the cases.

Emotional stability . . .

Emotional stability has increasingly positive effects on performance as a job gets harder and more complex.

Consider capability and personality . . .

In selecting a (job) candidate, you should consider two issues only:

  • capability (what the candidate can do) and
  • personality (what the candidate is like).

  • Of these two, personality is by far the most important. Over 87% of all people fail not because of capability but because of personality.

    Behavior trumps knowledge . . .

    The bitter truth is that behavior trumps knowledge. We can hire people for what they know (for all their education and experience), but they will fail if they don’t make it a priority to manage their behaviors.

    89% failed . . . attitudinal reasons . . .

    A study of 20,000 new hires revealed that 46% failed within 18 months – a result that’s consistent with other research on new hires. And here’s the critical finding: 89% failed because of what the researcher termed ‘attitudinal’ reasons . . . and only 11% failed because of lack of skill.”

    Now, You Can Use the Exact Same Strategies in Your Business Starting Tomorrow . . .

    Introducing "Hiring Oracle: Candidate Prediction System"

    Revolutionize Your Hiring Process through Hiring Oracle and Say Goodbye to Guesswork and Hello to Top Talent

    • Identify the best match for your job from your pool of candidates with powerful software
    • Overcome the challenge of selecting reliable employees in a competitive job market
    • Eliminate wasted money and time caused by high turnover rates
    • Put an end to the constant cycle of hiring and firing, allowing you to focus on serving your customers and growing your business
    • Increase profits and scalability by acquiring or expanding a dependable, reliable team to support your business growth and expansion

    By Now You May Be Thinking,
    Who is Terry Kozlowski and
    Why Can She
    Make Me These Promises?

    Why am I uniquely qualified to help? With decades of experience as an Organizational Change Consultant, I have guided countless leaders to achieve the changes they desired in their organizations through people. 

    I am also certified and qualified in multiple assessment instruments and leadership development approaches, ensuring that I have the tools and expertise to help you select the right employees from your candidates and develop them into strong, effective team members.

    Plus, I’ve been seen nationally on TV as an expert on multiple networks and have been profiled or contributed expertise to esteemed online and print publications such as the Chicago Tribune and Wall Street Journal. 

    My track record speaks for itself, and I am dedicated to helping you achieve the success and freedom you’ve been seeking. Let’s work together to make your business dreams a reality.

    Unlock Your Quick Start Power . . .

    We begin with the foundation of the system, the online assessment software.

    Online Assessment Profiles - For 5 Candidates or Employees ($1,475.00 Value)

    • This online software is the shortcut for you to identify (legally and objectively) how well each of your final candidates match the requirements of the job.
    • Make hiring decisions using the single, greatest predictor of future behavior.
      No longer will you have to guess.
    • You can now bring into your organization real assets that will give you more time with your family, friends, and doing what energizes you.
    • The profile is the most comprehensive assessment instrument available to measure the personality, behavior, and attitudes of applicants. Or you can choose to assess your current employees.
    • Over 2,000 research studies have been conducted on the psychological assessments which have resulted in this assessment profile. The profile measures 24 personality traits (on a bi-polar scale) for a total of 48 dimensions of personality. These traits are relevant to success in all positions at all levels of an organization.

    Set-Up Supercharge! ($275.00 Value)

    • We establish your online private Client Area that is confidential and security protected. This will hold all your candidate and employee profile information and reports for reference.
    • Access individual results through the entire life cycle of your hiring and employment for each participating individual. This aids not only in selection but also in employee development and promotion planning.
    • Easy access to this information on your team members will allow you to quickly identify who can step into more demanding roles and responsibilities. Consider who could take things off your plate to free you up for activities only you can and should be doing.

      These capability insights can get you out of the day-to-day “working IN your business” to you “working ON your business.”
    • Through this private Client Area you (or your Human Resources designate) will be able to manage all assessment activities including purchasing additional profile passwords, reallocating unused passwords, activating passwords for participants and accessing all profile reports.

    One-on-One Expert Guidance ($300.00 Value)

    • You will send Terry Kozlowski the job description(s) for which you are hiring.
    • She will review and assign the correct template in the software to use to evaluate your candidates. She will then discuss the key aspects of the template with you.
    • You will benefit from her expertise with hundreds of these profiles and the opportunity to discuss your business and immediate needs in this private consulting session of up to 1 hour.
    • You gain access to an objective outsider.
    • You may also choose to share your current challenges and get assistance in reaching your personal and professional goals.

    Quick Essential Tool Mastery Training ($295.00 Value)

    • This 60 – 90 minute training session via live webinar is the shortcut for you to discover everything you need to know to administer your first assessment.
    • This training also includes how to handle typical situations that may arise with your candidates. Learn best practices, tips, tricks, and resources so you will be successful using the assessment the very first time.
    • You’ll gain the confidence to be in total control of the hiring situation with both the candidate you choose and the candidates you reject.

    Unleash Your Review Power Training ($295.00 Value)

    • This 60-90 minutes training session via live webinar will make it simple to review the actionable results numbers provided on just one page by the software.

    • You’ll discover exactly how to determine which candidate(s) are your best match and which areas may represent concerns or challenges.

    • We will also guide you through three powerful reports provided with each completed profile. You’ll discover how to use them effectively in your candidate selection and onboarding.

    • You will be able to immediately identify areas to discuss with your final candidates in an interview or to move ahead with hiring decisions with confidence.

    • See your business start benefitting from the single number software guidance on job candidates immediately, even before you continue developing a deeper understanding of the insights included in all the reports.

    Unlock Your Quick Start Power Value

    Hold on! You won’t pay that, keep going . . .

    Uncover Hidden Insights in Every Profile

    These 4 Deep Dive training sessions will help you understand and then unlock the hidden potential in your final candidates or employees. You’ll gain an even deeper understanding of each of the 24 traits.

    This will help you provide guidance and coaching to get their best and the results you seek for your business.

    Deep Dive - Relationship Traits Training ($295.00 Value)

    • This 60-90 minutes training session via live webinar makes it simple for you to have an even deeper understanding of 6 personality and behavior traits that are part of Relationship insights as shown in the graphs and reports.

    Deep Dive - Organization Traits Training ($295.00 Value)

    • This 60-90 minutes training session via live webinar holds the secret to have an even deeper understanding of 6 personality and behavior traits that are part of Organization insights as shown in the graphs and reports.

    Deep Dive - Motivators Traits Training ($295.00 Value)

    • This 60-90 minutes training session via live webinar is the secret for you to have an even deeper understanding of 6 personality and behavior traits that are part of Motivators insights as shown in the graphs and reports.

    Deep Dive - Maturity Traits Training ($295.00 Value)

    • This 60-90 minutes training session via live webinar holds the secret to have an even deeper understanding of 6 personality and behavior traits that are part of Maturity insights as shown in the graphs and reports.

    Unlock Your Quick Start Power ($2,640.00 Value)

    Uncover Hidden Insights ($1,180.00 Value)

    Value Without Bonuses $3,820.00

    Continue reading for a very special offer . . .

    ACT NOW And You'll Also Get These Amazing Bonuses

    #1 BONUS : For Your Every Question, Every Answer Session ($295.00 Value)

    • This additional 60-90 minutes Q&A session via live webinar provides the opportunity for you to get answers to additional questions that have arisen in your mind after the formal trainings.
    • Although time is set aside for Q&A from participants in each training session, this is an additional opportunity.
    • You will have access to Terry’s decades of experience in addressing leaders’ challenges. This is an opportunity to share your current challenges in a supportive group environment.

    Simplify Your Onboarding and
    Employee Development with 3 Personalized and Unique Reports Included with Each
    Completed Assessment Profile . . .

    Because your chosen candidate(s) become part of your business upon acceptance of your job offer, the following bonus reports are included. These will assist you, them and their direct Supervisor to better understand them and assist them in their growth and development.

    #2 BONUS: Executive Report & Graphs ($200 x 5 Profiles = $1,000.00 Value)

    • Executive Report & Graphs: This concise (4-6 pages) format is designed to provide “bottom line” assessment results and graphs for the Business Owner or their Human Resources designate to quickly make decisions and identify next steps for the participant.

    #3 BONUS: Manager Report & Graphs ($200 x 5 Profiles = $1,000.00 Value)

    • Manager Report & Graphs: This condensed (15-20 pages) format is designed to enable the participant’s direct supervisor to communicate, manage and motivate the participant to their full potential most effectively.

    #4 BONUS: Participant Report & Graphs ($200 x 5 Profiles = $1,00.00 Value)

    • Participant Report and Graphs: This approximately 45-page format is designed to present detailed information to the participant on their personality, behavior, and attitudes. This includes trait descriptions and suggestions for development.

    Because We Know How Busy You Already Are, You Can Access All Training and Guidance When Convenient to You and in Your Preferred Way . . .

    #5 BONUS: All Trainings Recorded: Your Winning Formula to Watch When Convenient (Priceless Value)

    • We record all trainings so you can watch again or watch the first time if you’re unable to attend any of the live training session(s).
    A white and blue label on a paper with the words simple transcripts unlocked: your secret written edge

    #6 BONUS: Simple Transcripts Unlocked: Your Secret Written Edge (Priceless Value)

    • After each training session we will also provide a written transcript. So you can quickly reference and review any specific segments. Or you may prefer to read the transcripts instead of catching up with the videos of the trainings.
    A phone with ear buds on top of it

    #7 BONUS: Audio Versions: Your Key to Learning Anywhere (Priceless Value)

    • After each training session we will also provide the audio files. They will allow you to listen in the car, while you’re working out, walking or any convenient time where you prefer to listen to the training.

    Extra Bonus for Only a Limited Time . . .

    Because of the one-on-one private consulting time included, this extra bonus may not be offered in the future. Purchase today to lock-in one of these limited spots.

    EXTRA BONUS: 5 Private One-on-One Session Certificates: Your Key To Elevated Success ($1,500.00 Value)

    • These 5 Employer Review Certificates provide you with priority access to schedule and have private one-on-one consultation time with Terry Kozlowski. You may redeem each of these certificates for 5 separate sessions of up to one hour each
    • Use them to have her review and discuss with you a specific candidate’s assessment results, all your candidates results or even current employee(s) assessment results and discuss recommended next steps.
    • Pick Terry’s brain when you need to. Have a “lifeline” to tap into when you’re facing a really tough situation in your business in the future and you’re not sure what to do.

    Unlock Your Quick Start Power ($2,640.00 Value)

    Uncover Hidden Insights ($ 1,180.00 Value)

    Amazing Bonuses ($4,795.00 Value)

    Total Value: $8,615.00


    Purchase Today


    Save $355 over Payment Plan Option


    Payment Plan Option

    $750.00 Today

    Then two more $750 payments

    A+ Ratings from the Better Business Bureau and My Prior Clients . . .

    AchieveMentor Group, LLC BBB Business Review
    One bad hire cost me thousands of dollars . . .

    “I thought I was pretty good at hiring, but one bad hire that stole from me and then filed a lawsuit against ME cost me thousands of dollars.”

    “Now that I’m using the assessment Terry recommended, I’m making the best-informed hiring decisions. I know about their 24 specific personality and behavior traits before I bring them into my company. It also allows me to pick the best candidate for each position, by matching proven success profiles to my company’s culture.”
    Service Provider
    Learned the real reason why my business wasn’t growing . . .

    “I learned the real reason why my business wasn’t growing as I knew it could have been, how it SHOULD have been growing. Surprisingly, it wasn’t my so called ‘weaknesses’ that were holding me back, but my ‘off the chart’ strengths were the culprit.

    Armed with this information, I’ve changed a few small, but key elements of my business plan. I am now more excited than ever about the future.”
    Technology Entrepreneur

    My Client’s Own Data Proved the Value of the Assessment . . .

    One of my manufacturing clients in Minnesota has been using the assessment for more than 10 years. But on occasion they fell in love with a candidate after their interviews. So, sometimes they went ahead and hired them, even when the software clearly showed concerns about that candidate.

    One day, their head of HR decided to do a little research. She went back through their hires made in the last two years. (These were professionals that had taken the assessment as part of their hiring process. These were Engineers, Supervisors, Managers, and Sales and Customer Support employees.)

    She then went to the files and pulled their most recent annual performance review. In their system, 3.5 or above was the rating for “exceeds expectations.”

    When she compared their candidate assessment results with their rated job performance, she found a clear correlation.

    And those who had scored below a specific assessment number had already either been let go or had left on their own.

    So their own experience validated the accuracy of the software’s predictions and reinforced their commitment to the assessment for their organization.

    Claim Your Access to the "Hiring Oracle: Candidate Prediction System" Easy To Use Online Software With Complete Training And Support Right Now

    Here's A Reminder Of Everything You Get Today

    Unlock Your Quick Start Power

    Uncover Hidden Insights In Every Profile

    Your Amazing Bonuses

    Total Value ($8,615.00)

    Purchase Today


    Save $355 over Payment Plan Option


    Payment Plan Option

    $750.00 Today

    Then two more $750 payments

    Your Next New Hire Could Be The Start Of A Whole Level Of Freedom For You And Growth For Your Business . . .

    Here’s to your unstoppable success! I’m looking forward to working with you as you continue to advance in your business journey.


    P.S. Are you tired of wasting time and money by hiring the wrong employees for your business? Look no further. The Hiring Oracle: Candidate Prediction System is here to revolutionize your hiring process.

    Say goodbye to the frustration of dealing with bad hiring decisions. With Hiring Oracle, you can quickly identify the best candidates for your jobs and avoid costly turnover, training, and other expenses that could be as much as $17,000.00 or more.

    Save yourself the aggravation of hiring the wrong person.

    This powerful system is worth over $8,615.00, but you can get it for a special price today of $1,895.00 or just $750.00 today with two more payments.

    Invest in your business’s future. Act now and experience the confidence of making informed hiring decisions with The Hiring Oracle: Candidate Prediction System. Invest now and take the first step towards a more successful and fulfilling business.