Online Assessment Profiles - For 5 Candidates or Employees ($1,475.00 Value)

  • This online software is the shortcut for you to identify (legally and objectively) how well each of your final candidates match the requirements of the job.
  • Make hiring decisions using the single, greatest predictor of future behavior.
    No longer will you have to guess.
  • You can now bring into your organization real assets that will give you more time with your family, friends, and doing what energizes you.
  • The profile is the most comprehensive assessment instrument available to measure the personality, behavior, and attitudes of applicants. Or you can choose to assess your current employees.
  • Over 2,000 research studies have been conducted on the psychological assessments which have resulted in this assessment profile. The profile measures 24 personality traits (on a bi-polar scale) for a total of 48 dimensions of personality. These traits are relevant to success in all positions at all levels of an organization.